I'm Terry Morgan and TJM Books is my self-publishing platform.
I started writing stories and poetry while traveling with my own exporting business.
Having visited well over seventy countries - some so many times I lost count - I now try, whenever possible, to give hotels and airports a miss and live with my Thai wife, Yung, in the quietness of rural Petchabun, Thailand.
We still return home to Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds valleys in the UK occasionally, but all that lonely business travel - to Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, across Europe and America - did give me something quite special. Many of my memories and personal experiences find themselves - together with a lot of imagination - in what I now write about. So, it's mostly international and covers business, politics, terrorism, crime and espionage plus a lot of science thrown in because I'm still a biologist in my heart. Mostly it's serious but sometimes satirical and I especially try to write enjoyable reading for that largely under-catered for part of the population - mature men.
Paperback versions of all books are availble direct from me.
E Versions are available as follows:
AN HONOURABLEFAKE: https://books2read.com/u/4jMDVl
WHISTLEBLOWER: https://books2read.com/u/bzqP5D
AN OLD SPY STORY: https://books2read.com/u/b5Jry7
A PROFESSIONAL VENDETTA: https://books2read.com/u/47JZa7
CROOK CHASE: https://books2read.com/u/mgyLWv
DON’T MENTION THE O WORD: https://books2read.com/u/b5JrN1
FOUR MEN: https://books2read.com/u/38Jr1a
GOD’S FACTORY: https://books2read.com/u/mgyLQK
INTERNATIONAL CRIME SERIES BOOK 1 (Bioterrorism): https://books2read.com/u/bzqPlG
INTERNATIONAL CRIME SERIES BOOK 2 (Political): https://books2read.com/u/4jMDVj
INTERNATIONAL CRIME SERIES BOOK 3 (Commercial): https://books2read.com/u/47JZaA
LEARNING FOM VOLVOX: https://books2read.com/u/bPw5Ar
PARK ROAD: https://books2read.com/u/3L80z1
PRISONERS: https://books2read.com/u/mdw0oZ
THE MALTHUS PANDEMIC: https://books2read.com/u/3L8070
THE MOSQUITO CONSPIRACY: https://books2read.com/u/4AdYWN
THE RED LANTERN: https://books2read.com/u/3nMYl6
And Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Terry+Morgan&i=digital-text&ref=nb_sb_noss
I started writing stories and poetry while traveling with my own exporting business.
Having visited well over seventy countries - some so many times I lost count - I now try, whenever possible, to give hotels and airports a miss and live with my Thai wife, Yung, in the quietness of rural Petchabun, Thailand.
We still return home to Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds valleys in the UK occasionally, but all that lonely business travel - to Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, across Europe and America - did give me something quite special. Many of my memories and personal experiences find themselves - together with a lot of imagination - in what I now write about. So, it's mostly international and covers business, politics, terrorism, crime and espionage plus a lot of science thrown in because I'm still a biologist in my heart. Mostly it's serious but sometimes satirical and I especially try to write enjoyable reading for that largely under-catered for part of the population - mature men.
Paperback versions of all books are availble direct from me.
E Versions are available as follows:
AN HONOURABLEFAKE: https://books2read.com/u/4jMDVl
WHISTLEBLOWER: https://books2read.com/u/bzqP5D
AN OLD SPY STORY: https://books2read.com/u/b5Jry7
A PROFESSIONAL VENDETTA: https://books2read.com/u/47JZa7
CROOK CHASE: https://books2read.com/u/mgyLWv
DON’T MENTION THE O WORD: https://books2read.com/u/b5JrN1
FOUR MEN: https://books2read.com/u/38Jr1a
GOD’S FACTORY: https://books2read.com/u/mgyLQK
INTERNATIONAL CRIME SERIES BOOK 1 (Bioterrorism): https://books2read.com/u/bzqPlG
INTERNATIONAL CRIME SERIES BOOK 2 (Political): https://books2read.com/u/4jMDVj
INTERNATIONAL CRIME SERIES BOOK 3 (Commercial): https://books2read.com/u/47JZaA
LEARNING FOM VOLVOX: https://books2read.com/u/bPw5Ar
PARK ROAD: https://books2read.com/u/3L80z1
PRISONERS: https://books2read.com/u/mdw0oZ
THE MALTHUS PANDEMIC: https://books2read.com/u/3L8070
THE MOSQUITO CONSPIRACY: https://books2read.com/u/4AdYWN
THE RED LANTERN: https://books2read.com/u/3nMYl6
And Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Terry+Morgan&i=digital-text&ref=nb_sb_noss
I've always run two, three or even four writing projects together - putting aside one to focus on another for a while, then reverting. These are some of my current ones.
I've always run two, three or even four writing projects together - putting aside one to focus on another for a while, then reverting. These are some of my current ones.
International Crime Box Sets
Book One: Bioterrorism (The Malthus Pandemic & The Mosquito Comspiracy) 175,000 words
Book Two: Political Crime (Whistleblower, Park Road & An Honourable Fake) 325,000 words
Book Three: Commercial Crime (A Professional Vendetta & Crook Chase) 141,000 words
Another in the Asher & Asher series.
Small-time New York private detective Harry Donovan decides to solve his money problems by tracking down a big-time wanted fraudster but he needs help, things get complicated and Harry is way out of his depth.
Harry's only solace in life is Beryl who runs his Harlem office but with two other private detectives already killed at the hands of the criminal gang can Harry survive long enough to claim the $250,000 bounty?
E Version: https://draft2digital.com/book/1383297
The fifth in the "Asher & Asher" series
An ex United Nations Biological Weapons Inspector comes out of forced retirement to pursue a suspicion of a secret project that would enable genetically modified flies to carry deadly viruses. But can he prove his suspicions before becoming a target for state or private security forces? And is there more to it than flying insects?
That was the original idea of this story and it's still the main theme - politicians and government-led security forces are not unknown to have dealt with UN weapons inspectors if they step out of line against their wishes!
In 2020 I put this story aside for a while to focus on "Park Road" and to watch emerging technology as it was moving rapidly in the direction this story was heading.
Then along came COVID and so much of what this and my other book, The Malthus Pandemic, was about started to come true.
Foresight or what?
Whoever thought 'Gain of Function' research would become a topic for discussion in the US Senate and general discussion in the media, but it has.
In late 2021 I restarted the novel. In came a quiet young American engineer called Carlos Garcia with a hidden flair for criminal investigation. Not quite knowing where stories will go when I start out has been the hallmark of eerything I've so far written!
But I have always written about things that are perfectly feasible and with ongoing questions about the origin of lethal Coronaviruses, the continued risks of "gain of function" research and the growing interest by some countries in biological agents as weapons this story not only taxed my bioogical background but was very timely.
The E version was eventually published in 2022 and the paperback in March 2023.
E Version: https://draft2digital.com/book/1383284
5 Star Review 31 May 2022:
Riveting. Yes, a bit hard to get into in the first few pages, but well worth the determination to read. Although fiction, there are semblances of truth in the book. Very well done.
Learning from Volvox
From survival of the fittest to survival of the richest?
A 35,000 word, illustrated book about modern politics and comparing the effects of 'cultural and social evolution' as practiced by modern humans with evolution by natural selection as practiced by every other living creature for 5 billion years.
"By the principle which Darwin describes as natural selection short words are gaining the advantage over long words, direct forms of expression are gaining the advantage over indirect, words of precise meaning the advantage of the ambiguous, and local idioms are everywhere in disadvantage.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1873
“The stories humans tell about how they rose neglect the complexity of biology and the oceans of time during which they evolved. To understand human evolution, we need new stories.” The Guardian, 2018
E Version: https://draft2digital.com/book/1383294
...."It seems obvious that socio-cultural evolution was never a clear-cut decision but a natural progression for an animal with a larger than average brain. Is there a possibility that socio-cultural evolution is a myth and that humans never really moved on from survival of the fittest but merely changed its meaning? So, should we just stick with survival of the fittest but redefine the word ‘fittest’ to mean those with the power and wealth to control the rest?
The problem there is that that would only apply to the evolution of Homo sapiens not to the evolution of 9 million other species.
So should we simply rename human socio-cultural evolution as we suggested earlier on: Evolution by survival of the richest.
It’s only a suggestion, you understand, but Eisenhower once warned of a ‘military-industrial complex.’ Perhaps in 2023 we should be more alarmed by the ‘progressive-corporate complex.’
So, let’s examine the probability of that based on what some suspect but are never told about.
Is there a progressive-corporate plan by bodies like the World Economic Forum (WEF) for ‘world government’ supported by the WHO and UN? We aren’t told of course but the WEF’s mission according to its website is to “engage the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”
So, is its plan to ram as many people into the world's wealthier countries as is possible to ensure that corporations can sell stuff to more people and pocket even more money? Uncontrolled mass economic migration suggests this theory is very close to the truth. And is that WEF/WHO/UN plan supported by the ‘progressives’ because they would like to destroy the basis of Western civilization, and build their vision of utopia from the ensuing chaos?
If all that is true then government will be taken out of the hands of voters and given to transnational government like the EU. State dependency will rule and with that comes individual weakness, diktat and reliance on others. If we use the EU as an example the will of voters is already substantially bypassed and handed to lobbyists. Politicians, dismayed by their inability to govern in a system of their own creation, then hand powers and responsibilities to unelected quangos, bureaucrats and judges. Corporates love this because they call the shots in the bars and hotel rooms of places like Brussels and can push their agenda. Progressives love it because they think the world should be led by ‘elites’, by which they mean themselves. On the other hand, small businesses and private individuals don’t get a look in because they don’t have the money to twist arms and gain ‘influence’. Survival of the richest?"...
From survival of the fittest to survival of the richest?
A 35,000 word, illustrated book about modern politics and comparing the effects of 'cultural and social evolution' as practiced by modern humans with evolution by natural selection as practiced by every other living creature for 5 billion years.
"By the principle which Darwin describes as natural selection short words are gaining the advantage over long words, direct forms of expression are gaining the advantage over indirect, words of precise meaning the advantage of the ambiguous, and local idioms are everywhere in disadvantage.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1873
“The stories humans tell about how they rose neglect the complexity of biology and the oceans of time during which they evolved. To understand human evolution, we need new stories.” The Guardian, 2018
E Version: https://draft2digital.com/book/1383294
...."It seems obvious that socio-cultural evolution was never a clear-cut decision but a natural progression for an animal with a larger than average brain. Is there a possibility that socio-cultural evolution is a myth and that humans never really moved on from survival of the fittest but merely changed its meaning? So, should we just stick with survival of the fittest but redefine the word ‘fittest’ to mean those with the power and wealth to control the rest?
The problem there is that that would only apply to the evolution of Homo sapiens not to the evolution of 9 million other species.
So should we simply rename human socio-cultural evolution as we suggested earlier on: Evolution by survival of the richest.
It’s only a suggestion, you understand, but Eisenhower once warned of a ‘military-industrial complex.’ Perhaps in 2023 we should be more alarmed by the ‘progressive-corporate complex.’
So, let’s examine the probability of that based on what some suspect but are never told about.
Is there a progressive-corporate plan by bodies like the World Economic Forum (WEF) for ‘world government’ supported by the WHO and UN? We aren’t told of course but the WEF’s mission according to its website is to “engage the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”
So, is its plan to ram as many people into the world's wealthier countries as is possible to ensure that corporations can sell stuff to more people and pocket even more money? Uncontrolled mass economic migration suggests this theory is very close to the truth. And is that WEF/WHO/UN plan supported by the ‘progressives’ because they would like to destroy the basis of Western civilization, and build their vision of utopia from the ensuing chaos?
If all that is true then government will be taken out of the hands of voters and given to transnational government like the EU. State dependency will rule and with that comes individual weakness, diktat and reliance on others. If we use the EU as an example the will of voters is already substantially bypassed and handed to lobbyists. Politicians, dismayed by their inability to govern in a system of their own creation, then hand powers and responsibilities to unelected quangos, bureaucrats and judges. Corporates love this because they call the shots in the bars and hotel rooms of places like Brussels and can push their agenda. Progressives love it because they think the world should be led by ‘elites’, by which they mean themselves. On the other hand, small businesses and private individuals don’t get a look in because they don’t have the money to twist arms and gain ‘influence’. Survival of the richest?"...
Don't Mention the O Word
The background to this book was a request in August 2021 to write a chapter for a book on bioethics and planetary health to be published by Prof. Darryl Mercer & Dr. Alex Waller during 2022.
It put a temporary halt to finishing the Mosquito Conspiracy.
What is it about?
If you ask what are the most obvious planetary health issues of 2021/22 you will, generally speaking, get a list of seven overlapping problems.
Degradation of the natural environment and biodiversity loss
Climate change and global warming
Food and water shortages and resource depletion
Unemployment and economic migration
Conflict, ethnic tension and refugees.
And how many organisations exist to address the problems listed above? The answer is probably thousands: big and small and mostly publicly funded organisations and charities.
The chapter discusses what I consider to be the single, basic cause of each of the seven problems and to identify inherent and long-standing weaknesses in political leadership and key organisations like the UN and the WHO which make solving world health problems an almost impossible task.
E versions were first published on Amazon Kindle in January 2022. Amazon Kindle: ASIN: B09QBZSXFK
Re published January 2024 on Draft2Digital https://draft2digital.com/book/1383282
(July 2022) Congratulations on the 'O Word'. I thought it was clear and very readable – though some of the stats and graphs went over my head!! Enormous amount of research. I agree with and get it completely and it is the Elephant in the Room that no politician or the media will talk about. Great cover as well.
(August 2022) Brilliant! I found it so interesting. Re-reading it was a treat each time. Its currently out on loan to a friend, who having read it a second time is keen to give copies to friends. I need more copies!
The background to this book was a request in August 2021 to write a chapter for a book on bioethics and planetary health to be published by Prof. Darryl Mercer & Dr. Alex Waller during 2022.
It put a temporary halt to finishing the Mosquito Conspiracy.
What is it about?
If you ask what are the most obvious planetary health issues of 2021/22 you will, generally speaking, get a list of seven overlapping problems.
- Poverty, wealth disparity and health disparity
Degradation of the natural environment and biodiversity loss
Climate change and global warming
Food and water shortages and resource depletion
Unemployment and economic migration
Conflict, ethnic tension and refugees.
And how many organisations exist to address the problems listed above? The answer is probably thousands: big and small and mostly publicly funded organisations and charities.
The chapter discusses what I consider to be the single, basic cause of each of the seven problems and to identify inherent and long-standing weaknesses in political leadership and key organisations like the UN and the WHO which make solving world health problems an almost impossible task.
E versions were first published on Amazon Kindle in January 2022. Amazon Kindle: ASIN: B09QBZSXFK
Re published January 2024 on Draft2Digital https://draft2digital.com/book/1383282
(July 2022) Congratulations on the 'O Word'. I thought it was clear and very readable – though some of the stats and graphs went over my head!! Enormous amount of research. I agree with and get it completely and it is the Elephant in the Room that no politician or the media will talk about. Great cover as well.
(August 2022) Brilliant! I found it so interesting. Re-reading it was a treat each time. Its currently out on loan to a friend, who having read it a second time is keen to give copies to friends. I need more copies!
www.tjmbooks.com is the property of Terry Morgan.
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This website, content and images are protected by copyright through:
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